I wrote a poem at the height of 2020 and kept it in my notes. Now that I've had a chance to unpack it and realize it's still the same in 2022, here it is.
Pack them up
Lock them up
Rip them apart
Ignore the tears
Belittle their pain
Reject their humanity
And neglect our own
We’re forgotten our history
An immigrant legacy is one of our own
A mob of hate
From U.S. soil grown
Isolation. Devastation
Willful ignorance, privilege abounds
Don’t mess with mine
But I’ll fuck with yours
A slave to parties
A master of none
Cowardly leaders
Devoid of action while
Black and Brown
Beaten down
And White Supremists
Given Crowns
A laughing stock
Freedom rings
False and deluded
The Trumpets sing
Where is the hope
Is it even real?
We’re all soul sick
What’s the fuckin’ deal?
Stop killing us
Stop caging us
Stop dividing us
Stop inciting us
Heading for breakdown
Heading for crash
Someone take the wheel
Get us on track
Stop looking to saviors
Neo’s not here
It’s up to us now, it’s all on us
Replant hope and love
where there is hate and fear.
Oh, the humanity of it all.