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Get your learn on with these various workshops. All workshops are designed for groups up to 50. Please contact me for fees and availability.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is an important DNA component of every successful org culture. All workshops in this DEI Series include experiential and interactive activities to keep the group engaged. The workshops build incremental learning hence why they are in order. These aren't lectures as these types of workshops work best as a thought-provoking activity. The workshops will be completed in time for groups 10 - 50 members. It may take longer for bigger groups.



Runs approx 90 MINS

What does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean? Who are the marginalized groups in the US? How can I better understand how it ties into my daily life and well as others? In this workshop, the audience will receive an introductory and foundational understanding of why everyone is talking about DEI so much and the social dynamics that play a role in marginalized identities. You'll learn not only to hone awareness of these identities but walk away with insight on how one can be active in creating equitable environments where everyone can thrive. 

  • Learn about what Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion means and how it can create a better organization

  • Understanding Privilege/Oppression, Social Identities, and Power. 

  • Bridging Social Justice with DEI key concepts

  • Improving your social lens to be more inclusive and identify areas for using your privilege to provide equity

  • What is PAN-ing? How this exercise help with your awareness.


Runs approx. 90 MINS

Am I creating a character whose identity and representation problematic in my story? How can I include characters and stories featuring underrepresented identities that are not harmful or toxic? As writers, we want to bring a bit of reality and diversity into our stories, however, we need awareness of not only our biases but the stereotypes and archetypes that have been perpetuated in literature. In this workshop, the audience will discover the underlying harm with "othering" marginalized characters and how to ideally prevent it.

  • How microaggressions are damaging to org culture and your writing.

  • How can I develop realistic challenges for my underrepresented characters that aren't a "sad, basic cliché?"

  • Learn how to describe and depict characters without "othering" or tokenizing

  • What is "#Ownvoices" and why is it a step towards supporting equity? 

  • Understanding cultural misrepresentation and identifying stereotypes that can hurt your book.

  • Writing with marginalized characters vs. writing about the marginalized experience


Runs approx. 2 HRS

What does allyship look like? How can I be a change agent within my workplace, community or organization? In this workshop, audience will learn the fundamentals of working towards allyship to marginalized groups, how to remove emotional labor as you support these groups and experimenting with communication tactics that will help you speak up without speaking over.  This is an advanced session and not for the faint of heart. Allyship takes risk and action, but benefits you and others.

  • Learn what is an "ally" or "Success Partner" and how to prepare yourself to be an advocate. No 'cookies' allowed!

  • How to discover stories and educate yourself without putting the onus on marginalized individuals.

  • Understand the expectations of being an ally through self-education and key concepts

  • Ways to right the ship: Brainstorming tactics to create equitable communities

  • Learning how to "Step up, Step back" as an ally/activist/advocate

  • Discuss scenarios of advocating and how to communicate with people who cause harm.

Man Writing


1.5 HRS Run time (Virtually Available)

You know what? Self-publishing can be difficult as $#@! However, it doesn't have to be. Knowing where to start and what pitfalls to look out for can mean everything for the success of your first book release. In this workshop, I'll teach you about the tasks you need to fulfill, what makes a sensible budget and some hacks to help you along your journey.

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